Pelargonium sidiodes – natural respiratory remedy for lungs

Pelargonium sidiodes plant with maroon flowers used as a natural respiratory remedy for lungs.

Description and distribution Pelargonium sidiodes is also commonly known as the black geranium or Cape pelargonium. In traditional medicine it is also called Umckaloabo, Uvendle, Kalwerbossie or Khoaara e nyenyane. Pelargonium sidoides is found widely throughout South Africa. It occurs throughout the eastern Cape, Lesotho, Free State and southern and south-western. It usually grows in short…

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Bulbine natalensis – testosterone booster and body building.

Bulbine natalensis plant with yellow flowers used as testosterone booster and body building.

Description and distribution Bulbine natalensis is a hardy, evergreen, drought resistant, nonedible, perennial succulent herb with bright green, soft fleshy leaves that form the basal rosette. The plant has clusters of star-shaped yellow flowers that are held in densely packed spikes at the ends of long, gracefully arching stems, which flower throughout the year. Locally…

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Agathosma betulina – urinary tract infections and kidney health

Agathosma betulina plant with pale flowers used for urinary tract infections and kidney health.

Description and distribution Agathosma betulina also known as buchu is one of the true buchus. The name Agathosma derived from the Greek meaning agathos, pleasant and smell. This evergreen shrub with aromatic leaves is used medicinally. It has starry white flowers, which appear on short, leafless branchlets which form in the axils of the oval…

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How Mondia Whitei Works To Increase Male Potency And Testosterone

While the world is awash with plant supplements that allegedly increase sexual potency and performance, few plants are as scientifically researched and documented as Mondia whitei. The plant is a perennial creeper growing in many African countries, and it is widely used to treat a number of ailments in different cultures and tribes, but one…

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The Health Benefits Of Mondia Whitei

Mondia grows widely throughout Africa and can be found in South, Central, East and West Africa, Senegal in the West, Southern Sudan in the East and throughout most of Central Africa and Southern African countries. Mondia whitei has a series of roots that run parallel to the ground and are quite extensive. It has a…

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