Warburgia salutaris/iSibaha/Pepperbark tree



This tree has been overharvested in the wild for its medicinal use and is therefore a priority for conservation cultivation. It is an evergreen, slender tree that grows up to 10m in height with a dense and rounded crown. The dark green, glossy leaves with a paler underside are arranged alternately and have a bitter, peppery taste. The flowers are small and green on the axils of the leaves and produce a dark green fruit that turns purple when ripe.

Herb uses

The bitter, pepper-like stems and bark of warburgia salutaris is used in the treatment of a variety of ailments, including the common cold, blocked sinuses, malaria, mouth sores, pain It is sometimes cooked with for its peppery flavour.
possesses antioxidant properties.

Common Names:pepperbark tree (English); peperbasboom (Afrikaans); isibhaha (Zulu); manaka (Venda); shibaha (Tsonga)